Monday , October 21 2024
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Welcome to the Home of:

The Warriors and Guardians of the Woods - WGW

The Dogs of War - DoW

Hail and well met Warriors and Guardians!!

This old Wardog offers you a hearty welcome to the Home of the Warriors and Guardians of the Woods. Whether you are making your first Trek into our Woods or you are an Old Friend returning from a long Journey. You will find a spot by the Fire in our Guild Hall.

The WGW are an Online Gaming Guild. First formed in 1995 in SSI’s original Massively Multiplayer online Dungeon’s and Dragon’s game that was called Neverwinter Nights. The Warriors and Guardians cut their teeth defending the Neverwinter Woods from such infamous Clans as the Mech, the Warriors of Hades and the Ark. Since those early days we have participated in many popular online games. We have made our home in such games as Ultima Online, Asheron’s Call, City of Hero’s, Dark Age of Camelot, and World of Warcraft. You can read more about the adventures that our Ten Year journey has brought us by following the history link.

Today the WGW is active in two popular online games. You can find Warriors and Guardians defending the Woods in Mythic’s epic game of Castle siege and conquest, the Dark Age of Camelot, and in Blizzard’s adventure game that is tied into their own epic universe, the World of Warcraft. Our Governing Council has representatives in both Games, in fact many play both. This combined with our weekly council meetings assures that the voices of all of our members are heard. We work hard to provide an enjoyable and family friendly environment for our members. Please follow the links to our policies and to our Guild Charter if you wish to learn more about how the WGW is organized and governed.

The Dark Age of Camelot has provided a good Home for my Brothers and Sisters in Arms for five years. From Beta, right into the first days the game was open. The WGW have played a prominent role in shaping the History of this game. Our first Home was the Morgan La Fey server. From being the third Guild to get their “colors” on that server all the way to being one of the largest and strongest Guild on that server. The term Green Machine was coined to describe our four and five group zergs that would storm all over the Frontier causing mayhem during our weekly Wardog nights. The weekly Wardog night guild RvR event continues to this day.

Today in DAOC we are mainly active on the Gareth classic server in Midgard playing under the names Dogs of War (DoW) and WGW. Never fear, we have few diehards who have Hibernia in their blood keeping things going on the Morgan la Fey server. Although, It is Gareth where the majority of our active members play today. We have become one of the premier Guilds in RvR for Midgard. On Gareth you will see our Members and Officers leading the defense of our realm, or even leading the charge into Enemy territory. We have formed guilds under the names WGW and Dogs of War on Gareth and most members have characters in both. This allows us to hold two keeps and further strengthen our realms cause. The Dogs of War and WGW are a force to reckon with in Gareth's fierce Frontier RvR combat.

The Warriors and Guardians of the Woods bring an even mix of RvR and PvE style adventuring. This is tempered with our strong sense of Community:

“Let it be known that brave Warriors, good and true, have banded together to guard and cleanse the Woods of the forces of evil. Henceforth they shall be known as the Warriors and Guardians of the Woods and shall serve their guild and cause with honor, loyalty and courage.”

There in the opening lines of our Guild Charter you find what being a WGW is. It is this sense of Honor, Loyalty, and Courage that we now bring to the World of Warcraft. Never in the History of Online gaming has a game seen such massive appeal. WoW has attracted players from the most veteran gamer, to folks who are playing their first online game. But it is because of this wide appeal that WoW is a game that is still trying to find its sense of Community. We have a large and active Guild in WoW. The WGW have made our new Home on the Stonemaul Server and are fighting for the Alliance under the name "WGW". We have a lot to offer players regardless of their level. Follow the link on the left to our DKP site. You will see a very active Raiding schedule for our level 60 (and above) Players. More recently we have begun to look at our future again and the future of online gaming.

We have time and again been able to land in a new Realm and quickly get our bearing and begin to build our Guilds foundations in that new Home. This is in large part to our teamwork, community, and experience. These are valuable assets that we bring to any new realm we explore. Recently we have begun to look at Mythic's next great online game, Warhammer Online - Age of reckoning. This looks to be the premiere Online Gaming experience in the coming years. There is no doubt that Mythic's long experience (they just celebrated their 10th Anniversary, just like WGW) and proven experience in Online gaming will make this the premier Gaming Experience in the coming years. It is here that we hope to once again play our role in shaping this new Community.

Are you ready to join the Warriors and Guardians of the Woods in our Cause?

Wherever you hail from, whether it’s the icy forests of Midgard or the besieged Cities of the Alliance. I invite you to follow the Link to our message boards. There is a place where Honor, Fair play, and Respect have a home, and that is the Guild Hall of the Warriors and Guardians of the Woods.

See You in the Woods,

Zezmo Wardog

Warrior and Guardian of the Woods

Guild Master